Yuan Jar

Yuan dynastie (1279-1368)
H. 36 cm or 
14 1/8 in


Category: Tag:


This superb jar and its conical lid with a grip button are covered with a thick glaze of bright green, typical of the Chinese Liao (947-1124) to Yuan (1279-1368) dynasties. Shimmering colour shades were achieved by varying the iron content in the glaze. To decorate the body of the jar, the applique technique was used. Motifs from the natural world adorn the jar: floral elements, palmettes or shells appear in relief on the surface. The underlying bare clay is visible at the base of the foot of the jar.
Such jars were made in official or regional kilns and were part of the funerary furniture of the tombs.

Condition report:

This Yuan jar is in good condition. The brightness and shine of the green has largely remained through the years except for some disappearance of the glaze on the lid, revealing the original raw terracotta colour also visible on the foot. The silvery appearance on one side of the jar may be a result of its period of burial.