Guimet Museum exhibition poster
Lithography mounted on linen canvas
Printed at the Mourlot printer’s in Paris, France
Édition des musées nationaux
D. image 52×73,5 cm
D. toile 62,5×83,5 cm
This beautiful vintage poster dates from 1938, when the deposits of the French Archaeological Delegation in Afghanistan were brought to the Guimet Museum.
At that time Joseph Hackin (1886 – 1941) was the director of the museum (1923 – 1941) after having been the secretary of its founder Émile Guimet (1836 – 1918). He was an early Resistance fighter with his wife Marie, a Companion of the Liberation, and an archaeologist with a passion for non-Western cultures. In 1924 he left for his first archaeological campaign in Afghanistan. Ten years later, he was in charge of the French Archaeological Delegation in Afghanistan (DAFA) which was created in 1922. Until 1939, he shared his time between his presence in the field and research and modernisation at the museum. He had the central courtyard of the Hôtel d’Heidelbach covered and, from 1938 onwards, presented part of the Khmer collections and the art of ancient Champa on the ground floor.
Apparent inscriptions on the poster:
Musée Guimet
6, Place d’Iéna
Exposition du 21 juin au 15 novembre 1938
Découvertes archéologiques en Afghanistan et en Indochine
Fouilles de la Délégation Archéol. [Archéologique] française en Afghanistan (campagne 1936-1937)
Ivoire de l’Inde (Ie-IIIe siècles)
Sculpture bouddhique (IIIe-VIIe siècles)
Influences iraniennes dans l’art bouddhique.
École Française d’Extrême-Orient
Aspect inédit des arts de l’Indochine (art Khmère, art Cam, art Annamite : CVIIe – XIIe siècle)
Fouille du Phnom Kulen près d’Angkor
Art des Steppes
De midi à 17hres excepté le lundi
Entrée 5f
Édition des musées nationaux – Mourlot, IMP., Paris
Condition report:
This poster is in very good condition.
This is not a reproduction.